Solution for Your Crisis Mishits
There are lots of ways to create mishit shots, but you should learn the 3 vital tricks to eliminate at least 50% of YOUR mishits. If you are falling when when you swing or taking a divot surpassing impact with the ball, your swing arc is bottoming out too early. Using the pursuit “tricks” will help you learn the correct impact position to stave mishits and should help you reform your swing.
Mental Preparation
Before you start to use these swing “tricks”, calm your mind and stop trying to knock the skin off your ball. Your last unconfined shot or your last missed shot may be motivating you to swing harder. Get that out of your mind. Setup and make the exact practice swing that you plan to make surpassing you hit your next shot. Learn from that swing by watching where you skim the ground or take any divot. Adjust your setup and make the practice swing that you want to execute.
Use the pursuit “tricks” when you find that you are rushing your swing on a windy day, hitting from a bad lie in the rough or when you are planning to hit a miracle shot. A proper swing will indulge you to transfer your weight to your leading foot during your transition and indulge your swing-arc to bottom-out at the correct point for your driver, irons and wedges.
1/ Suburbanite Trick: [Error to avoid: bottoming out under your wittiness and causing pop-ups]
Tee your wittiness up to well-nigh half the wittiness height whilom the top of our suburbanite head. Impact should be on a 3-to-7-degree upswing. Setup with the wittiness off the heel of our leading foot and the squatter of your suburbanite well-nigh 5 inches directly overdue your wittiness (where you want to bottom-out your swing arc – just like Moe Norman). [Tilting your trailing shoulder lanugo and moving your trailing foot when 2 inches off the target line during your setup will help you create the right swing arc.] Swing from the inside-and-up to launch your wittiness for increasingly distance.

2/ Iron and Wedge Trick: [Error to avoid: swing arc bottoming-out surpassing the ball.]
Your weight needs to be transferred to your leading foot surpassing impact. Setup with a wilting leading knee to alimony 60% of your weight on your leading foot throughout the swing. Your wittiness is centered in your stance (narrower for your wedge shots), square the leading whet of your iron and point your shaft grip at your whup buckle. Control the loftiness of your shot with a full backswing (or limited for a wedge) keeping a straight leading arm. Let the weight of your club start your downswing (DON’T RUSH IT). Complete your follow-through directly up your target line.
3/ Bunker Trick: [Error to avoid: Burying your wedge and losing power to exit the trap.]
Bend your leading knee to alimony 60% of your weight forward. Setup with a wide AND unshut stance (20 to 30 degrees open) with the wittiness centered between your feet. Unshut the squatter of your chosen wedge to ensure that the stipule will vellicate through the sand (NOT DIG IN). Control the loftiness of your shot with the loft of your club and with an equal value of backswing and follow-through.
Practice these tricks with GOLFSTR to learn the impact of a straight leading elbow and a unappetizing leading wrist with every club in your bag. Buy one today at www.GOLFSTR.com